The Digital Mosaic

See below to contribute to our ever growing story!

When death occurs, we all experience different emotions, thoughts, and challenges. Many things in our day-to-day change. All of the changes bring their own grief and complicate other griefs. We ALL deserve a moment to RE-CONNECT. To this, we invite you to be a part of our community mosaic project.           

The community mosaic will be comprised of stories of those in our Band of the Strong and Greif’s Journey families. You and/or your family’s artistic addition and stories are welcomed to be a part of our ever-growing mosaic that can be accessed by you and everyone else in our community. It will be a place for all to go as a remind that we are not alone on this journey. All work will be kept confidential. So, what do you need to do?

●       As a household and/or individual, take time to reflect, to think, and to talk with others. Recall joys and sorrows, events and emotions, challenges and opportunities. What does your story through grief look like? Use the questions on the back of this page to guide your reflections.

●       Reflect with yourself or discuss with your family, “How did the grief change?” “What anchored you?” “What made it hard to find anchors?”

●       Now, we would invite you to put your each of your individual stories on a canvas/piece of paper, etc. (If you need a canvas or supplies contact Band of the Strong at the email below). Get as create as you wish and use whatever materials or art mediums you desire. Your goal is to represent your story in a way that has meaning for either you as an individual and/or your family as a whole.

●       Upon completion of your canvas, please take a picture and tell us about your work. Upload your image and story here.

●       LASTLY, Grief is complicated and can change daily. Come back and add art and stories throughout the year.

 Reflection Questions:

●       What was the something that stood out about your person’s life?

●       What are the ways in which your person impacted your life?

●       What times do you remember that brought you joy, sadness, anger, inspiration?

●       What did it feel like?

●       What song or color would this feeling be?

●       What did you find yourself thinking about when your person died?

●       What do you think about now?

●       Who or whom has all been affected by your person’s death and how?

●       What would the title of your story through grief in the last couple of years be?

●       What song accompanies your story?

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Art Medium Suggestions

Need help figuring out what to use on your canvas? Here are some ideas, but feel free to use whatever you wish!

Acrylic/Tempera/Oil Paints Crayons Colored Pencils Sharpies Pencils & Ballpoint Pens

Newspaper/Magazine Clippings Photos Fabric Stickers Printed Images from the Internet

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If you have further questions regarding this project or desire a different size canvas or more canvases, we invite you to reach out to our project leaders at: