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Wings of Hope: A Charity Auction for Band of the Strong

In times of grief, there's something oddly soothing about the presence of birds. Their simple routines, like flying freely or singing in the quiet, somehow resonate with the ups and downs of mourning. The way they navigate their surroundings seems to mirror the struggle of moving through sorrow. In their daily rhythms, from the morning chirps to the calming hush of night, there's a reflection of the gradual process of getting through grief. Watching birds, with their vulnerability and resilience, becomes a quiet reminder that healing is a gradual journey, much like their flight patterns in the vast expanse of the sky.

Below you will find the various works of art that were generously donated by professional artist Stephanie Legendre-Pertuit - @Art By Stephanie (https://www.facebook.com/LePetitEnvie)

To place a bid, simply click on the piece of art you are interested in and fill out the form. We will contact you at the end of the auction if you win. Thank you again for helping to support the work that we do!


Cardinal Watercolor 5.5"x4.25"
The cardinal holds profound symbolic significance, commonly associated with positive and spiritual meanings. Its vibrant red plumage makes it stand out against the backdrop, often seen as a symbol of hope, love, and passion. In many cultures, spotting a cardinal is considered a sign from departed loved ones, believed to carry messages from the spiritual realm. The cardinal's presence is seen as a reminder to stay connected with one's faith and to find comfort during challenging times. Some view the cardinal as a representation of renewal and rebirth, as its striking color suggests a sense of vitality and life. Overall, the cardinal is a powerful symbol, carrying messages of love, spiritual connection, and the enduring presence of those who have left an indelible mark on our lives.

In the heart of an ancient forest, where trees whispered secrets of old, there dwelled a spirit, ethereal and wise. This spirit, cloaked in a verdant mantle of leaves and moss, watched over the forest with a gentle gaze. It was said that the spirit of the forest embodied the soul of nature, holding the balance between growth and decay. In times of sorrow, it whispered through rustling leaves, offering comfort to those lost in grief. The forest spirit, a guardian of life’s ever-turning cycle, reminded all who entered its realm that from loss blooms new beginnings, and in every end, there lies a promise of renewal.


Kingfisher Watercolor 4.25"x4"
The kingfisher bird carries deep symbolic significance across cultures, embodying a range of positive attributes. Revered for its remarkable hunting skills, the kingfisher symbolizes patience and persistence, as it adeptly waits for the opportune moment before diving with precision to catch its prey. Its vibrant plumage has led to associations with good luck and prosperity in various traditions. The bird's habitat near tranquil waters contributes to its symbolic representation of peace and tranquility. Additionally, the kingfisher's family-oriented behavior, forming strong bonds and collaborating in raising offspring, makes it a symbol of family unity and loyalty. Overall, the kingfisher's presence in cultural narratives often conveys messages of resilience, good fortune, and the importance of maintaining balance in the face of life's challenges

Egret Watercolor 5.5"x7"
The egret, a creature of grace and elegance, holds symbolic significance transcending cultural boundaries. Revered for its poised demeanor and pristine white plumage, the egret embodies a rich tapestry of meanings that span themes of purity, patience, and the harmonious balance between the material and spiritual realms. The bird's patient and deliberate hunting style, characterized by slow, deliberate movements, is often interpreted as a lesson in patience and mindfulness. Additionally, the egret's affinity for water suggests a connection to emotions and intuition. As it stands motionless in shallow waters, the egret symbolizes a harmonious balance between the spiritual and material worlds. Overall, the egret's symbolism encompasses themes of purity, prosperity, patience, and the delicate balance between the seen and unseen aspects of life.

Robin Watercolor 6"x4.5" 

Across many traditions, robins are often seen as harbingers of hope and renewal. Their arrival in spring, after a long and cold winter, is symbolic of new beginnings and the rejuvenation of life. In some folklore, robins are associated with messages from loved ones who have passed away, believed to bring comfort and reassurance. The bird's industrious foraging for worms and insects is often interpreted as a symbol of hard work and the importance of persistence in the pursuit of one's goals. The robin's close association with the earth, as it hops along the ground in search of food, also connects it to groundedness and practicality. Overall, the robin stands as a charming emblem of optimism, resilience, and the cyclical nature of life's seasons.  

Pileated Woodpecker Watercolor 7.25"x5.75"
The woodpecker, with its distinctive drumming and persistent pecking, carries symbolic significance rooted in various cultural and spiritual traditions. Often seen as a symbol of determination and hard work, the woodpecker's relentless pecking into tree trunks represents the importance of perseverance and dedication in the face of challenges. In Native American folklore, the woodpecker is considered a messenger, bridging the gap between the spirit world and the earthly realm. Its rhythmic drumming is believed to echo the heartbeat of Mother Earth, emphasizing a connection to nature and the cycles of life. Additionally, the woodpecker's ability to find sustenance beneath the bark reflects resourcefulness and adaptability. Overall, the woodpecker serves as a powerful symbol, encouraging individuals to persist through difficulties, maintain a connection with the natural world, and embrace the rhythm of life's cycles. 

Blue-Tufted Titmouse Watercolor

The blue-tufted titmouse, with its distinctive azure crest and lively presence, holds symbolic significance that transcends its small size. Representing a blend of vibrancy and adaptability, this bird is often seen as a symbol of curiosity and resourcefulness. Its nimble movements and inquisitive nature encourage individuals to approach life with a sense of wonder and openness to new experiences. In some cultures, the blue-tufted titmouse is associated with communication and the power of song, emphasizing the importance of expressing oneself and connecting with others through shared melodies. The blue hue of its crest may also evoke feelings of calmness and tranquility, symbolizing a balance between the energetic and the serene. Overall, the blue-tufted titmouse serves as a reminder that even the smallest and most unassuming beings can carry profound symbolism, encouraging us to find beauty, joy, and adaptability in our everyday lives.  

Hummingbird Watercolor 3.5"x5"

Often regarded as a symbol of joy, lightness, and love, the hummingbird's ability to hover and move swiftly from flower to flower is seen as a reminder to savor the sweetness of life. In Native American cultures, the hummingbird is associated with positive attributes such as resilience, playfulness, and adaptability. Its iridescent feathers are sometimes considered a symbol of beauty and the fleeting nature of time. In various spiritual traditions, the hummingbird is thought to bridge the gap between the physical and spiritual worlds, representing a connection to the divine and the importance of living in the present moment. Overall, the hummingbird symbolizes a harmonious balance between tenacity and gentleness, encouraging individuals to find joy in the simple pleasures, embrace the fleeting nature of life, and maintain a lightness of being. 

Painted Bunting Watercolor 5"x4.25"
The painted bunting, a marvel of nature with its radiant plumage, encapsulates profound symbolic meanings across cultures. Celebrated for its kaleidoscopic array of colors, the bird represents more than just visual splendor. It is often revered as a symbol of beauty, vitality, and the unapologetic expression of individuality. In various traditions, the painted bunting's vibrant hues hold spiritual significance, embodying the idea of integrating diverse elements into a harmonious whole. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, the bird serves as a living metaphor for embracing one's true colors and navigating life with authenticity. Its presence is a call to find joy and optimism, even in the face of life's complexities, reminding us that there is beauty in embracing the diverse spectrum of experiences that define our existence.   

Black-capped Vireo Watercolor 4.75"x5.5"
The black-capped vireo, a small and unassuming bird, holds symbolic significance reflective of its unique characteristics. This species is often associated with resilience and the power of conservation efforts. The black-capped vireo has faced challenges, including habitat loss, yet its survival has become a symbol of nature's ability to rebound when provided with protection and care. Conservationists often use this bird as a representation of the impact of collective efforts in preserving endangered species. In a broader sense, the black-capped vireo can also symbolize the delicate balance of ecosystems, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all living things. Its presence is a reminder of the importance of stewardship, conservation, and the potential for positive change when humans actively work to protect the natural world.